Transporting your Vehicle Overseas
Driving a brand new sparkling vehicle will surely give a lot of joy and pleasure. Some of the best days of one’s life is to drive a brand new car. However, extra care has to be taken when breaking a vehicle, doing more at the start can cause some problems on the road.
Following are some tips:
Get the Fluids Moving
A brand new vehicle is ready to drive but you don’t have to be very hard on the vehicle. The reasons are the fluids in the car that need to circulate through the engine and other parts for making sure that vehicle will be protected from heat and friction and will work properly. This is the usual concern of breaking in a brand new vehicle. You have to be gentle and calm in the first few weeks so that fluids will have time to properly circulate. If care is not taken then the vehicle can be slightly damaged and it may not be known until problems occur after some time.
Keep Your Engine as Cool As Possible
When you drive your vehicle for the first few weeks, the car’s manual have to be consulted for knowing the exact mileage and time period. The car has to be driven at a slow speed and it has to be kept as cool as possible. For example, you will want to accelerate the car at top speed on the highway, but don’t do it until the time period is completed. For those who have a brand new vehicle, it is never a good idea to out for a long trip as the vehicle can become quite hot because of a day long drive.
Be Careful With Cold Starts
Cold can also be a cause of damage apart from heat. When starting the vehicle in the cold at a temperature less than 32 degrees Fahrenheit, give the vehicle some time to get warm. Turn on the ignition and drive and give it some time to get the oil circulating.