The History of Audi Cars – How Audi Cars Started
There are a lot of Audi Cars fans these days. A person interested in Audi cars probably would like to know the history of Audi cars. Let us talk about the history of Audi cars from the beginning to the present era.
The founder of Audi’s cars named August Horsch established two companies of these cars. He began to design cars in 1901 in Germany but due to immense popularity he developed another company and named it Audi. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, Audi began to produce a four cylinder and six cylinder cars.
World War II:
During World War II, cars produced by Audi manufacturing facility were used in military purposes. For instance, SD-KFZ 222 armored car was especially used for war functions. This car had V8 engine which had the power to reach up to 50 mph.
KFZ 11 was another Audi car also known as Horch Type 80 that was used as light transport vehicle during World War II.
In few past years, Audi has emerged as a leading technological trendsetter. Audi developed Audi Quattro in 1980. Audi Quattro introduced the vehicle with high performance and having capability of all wheel drive. Now Audi has adopted these features to nearly all types of its vehicles.
Although Quattro concept was Audi’s initial modern inventive but Audi did not stop to these technology features and introduced more modern quality attributes in its cars. For instance, Audi introduces light frame (provided by an aluminum space frame body) for its cars. This light frame makes the car more fuel efficient and reduces road vibration and noise as well.
In present days, Audi is still introducing its cars with latest features, all cars have super interior. Audi is using Top-of-the-line materials in all cars even in entry level vehicles too for instance A3 and A4. Some previous Audi car models included pedals that were quite close for American drivers but Audi has redesigned this foot pedal placement to consider safety issues.
A8 is Audi’s Top-of-the-line car and has a lavish interior. This car offers wonderful driving experience as well.