Guides tag news

How to Check Your Car’s Oil Guide

Don’t you think you should check your car’s oil? Just like fuel, oil is also important for your car. It has to be checked on a regular basis; otherwise it’s going to seriously affect the performance of your car on the road.
Thu, 07/28/2011 - 15:20

How to Check Your Tire Pressure Guide

Most of us don’t have the habit of checking tire pressure of our vehicle. Actually this is something we all should do regularly. It has a lot to do with our lives. If the tire pressure is not up to its mark, then danger can happen and once happened, there is no use of feeling sorry about it.
Sat, 09/24/2011 - 04:10

How to Check Your Windshield Washer Fluid Level Guide

Don’t you think it’s time for you to replace your windshield washer fluid? When you go out for driving, there will be dust and pollution everywhere around you. And even if there are no such problems, some other unexpected things can occur which may make the windshield worse.
Mon, 07/24/2017 - 09:44

How to Choose a Green Car Guide

Are you thinking of buying a green car? Do you actually know what a green car is? A green car is that, which doesn’t do any harm to the environment and helps us to live comfortably on Earth.
Fri, 06/17/2016 - 03:02

How to Choose Right RIMs for Your Tires Guide

Are you one of those who spend a lot of money for making their cars look good? The problem with many of them is that they don’t know what to replace and what things to buy for making their cars look good. Buying cool looking rims for tires of your car can change the overall look of your car.
Thu, 07/02/2009 - 09:52

How to Clean a Car’s Interior Guide

Do you think cleaning your car’s interior is a tough task? You can do it yourself, if you know how to do it the right way. And here we’ll discuss about that.
Thu, 07/28/2011 - 15:40

How to Clean a Carburetor Guide

We all know that a vehicle runs with the help of the fuel that we fill in the fuel tank of the vehicle. Carburetor is a component that converts the fuel to a form which a vehicle can make use of. The engine then, gets it as the power to drive the vehicle.
Tue, 07/23/2013 - 21:56

How to Find a Cheap Rental Car – Cheap Rental Car Guide

Do you want to get a cheap rental car? You may feel unhappy by paying lots of money for a decent rental car per day. Especially if you are deciding to go on vacations, having a rental car cost you expensively.
Sat, 07/02/2016 - 20:02

How to Find an Exotic Car – Exotic Car Guide

It is a dream of young boys as well as mature men, to have an exotic car. It simply takes you in a dreamland after you own an exotic car. There are some simple steps that let you know how to find an exotic car for you. Let us discuss about this procedure.
Tue, 09/22/2015 - 18:00

How to Find Replacement Speakers – Car Speakers Replacement Guide

Are your speakers mislaying their flavor? Are you finding it hard to listen to your favorite songs? Or did your speakers stop working for a long time you could not remember, when? Then you probably have required knowing how to find replacement speakers for your car.
Thu, 10/07/2010 - 13:00