Driving Safety tag news

Teens use cell phones to text, not talk

Photo credit: westernherald.com
Wed, 04/03/2013 - 18:04

The Freedom to Drive without Distraction

My best friend and me at 16 years old with my 1993 BMW 325i. When I got my license in 1999, I had a cellphone that resided mostly in the glove box. Actually, it was my mom’s cellphone.
Sat, 04/23/2016 - 23:20

Tips for Driving in the Rain

Now that the Atlantic Hurricane Season is well underway, and you are (hopefully) all stocked up with flashlights, batteries and nonperishables, we wanted to share a few tips to prepare you for safe driving in the rainy weather the season promises. Use Your Headlights Image Credit: kshelton
Sun, 07/13/2014 - 15:06

Using Cellcontrol to curb distracted driving

I will be perfectly honest with you; I am guilty of distracted driving. I like being accessible at all times, and I’ve texted while driving. For this reason I did not like using Cellcontrol. I hated it in fact, but I hated it for all the right reasons.
Wed, 04/27/2016 - 13:13

Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile join AT&T’s ‘It Can Wait’ texting and driving campaign

Verizon Wireless, Sprint and T-Mobile are officially joining AT&T and its ‘It Can Wait’ anti-texting while driving campaign.
Sun, 04/28/2013 - 06:28

Parental Controls Now Available in Cars

Do you remember what it was like waiting to turn 16? If you had a later birthday than most people in your class, like I did, it seemed like an eternity. It felt like everyone I knew had not only gotten their permit, but moved on from chauffeuring their parents around and gotten their license.
Tue, 07/26/2016 - 11:24

The Worst Driving Habits of Reddit’s r/cars

Everyone has bad driving habits. Ironically, a situation in which one should be most alert is often when many people choose to be the most distracted.
Sat, 11/12/2016 - 07:08

The Impact of Motorcycle Safety Laws

Should motorcyclists be compelled to wear helmets? That question has been debated for decades. In 1967, the U.S. Secretary of Transportation told states to mandate helmets. It took a while, but 47 states had measures in place by 1975. These universal helmet regulations were not universally loved.
Fri, 03/17/2017 - 18:28

Takata airbag recall getting out of hand

Hello friends! First I want to apologize for the lack of updates the last couple weeks. My hosting company went down, but is all fixed and good to go now. Speaking of apologies, Takata owes the world a huge one.
Fri, 06/02/2017 - 22:53

How to Safely Drive at Night

There are fewer things more stressful than driving after dark. Your vision is limited, you’re tired and who knows what sort of wildlife could be roaming around next to the roads?
Sun, 07/16/2017 - 05:40